Cover Powders

The term 'tertiary metallurgy' increasingly gains profile through the modern cover powder technology. Our FOR MET-products form a two-layer slag system.

Reactive slag:

The first layer (FOR MET 3.1) is a reactive calcium-aluminate slag. The specialized granulate metrology provides the mix with an extremely high melt-open speed. It instant protects the steel solution against atmospheric gases. In addition, the layer's basic properties and 'mineralogy' (chemical composition) enables the take-up of non-metallic inclusions.

Insulating layer:

The second layer (FOR MET 4.1) insulates the molten steel against temperature losses. The powder-like material provides excellent insulating properties through maximum excavations and minimized density. In contrast to commonly-used rice ash, this product is SiO2-reduced (<9%) and prevents unwanted oxygen-suppliers to forming inclusions.


A technological innovation developed by WEERULIN is the one-layer cover powder system. It combines the reactive capability for taking-up non-metallic inclusions with a high insulating effect (FOR MET 5.1).

For more details please read also our special brochure on 'metallurgical slags and cover powders'.



SectorTypeWEERULIN ProductCharacteristics
Tundishreactive layerFOR MET 3.1reactive calcium-aluminate slag
Surfaceinsulating layerFOR MET 4.1SiO2-reduced alkaline insulating masking mix
combination productFOR MET 5.1SiO2-poor one-layer reactive slag with insulating properties